Monday, 9 November 2009

Sixth Sense

Pranab Mistry's Sixth Sense  is  now going to be open sourced.
Recently at the ted Conference where he demonstrated this  software using a piece of paper he stated that  he will be making it open source.

What is this Sexth Sense??
Its a wearable device with a projector that is used for interaction with our environment.
In very simple words , here to interact with the applications present inside the laptop or within the phone , he uses a projector and interacts with the environment .
ex: within the area covered by the projector he swirls his finger in the air so as to form a @ symbol .
The result of that operation would be that the projector sends that to a software which recognises it to invoke a email client.
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Cool isn't it .
Recently he demonstrated the same using a piece of paper.

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