Friday, 13 November 2009

Why public Static void main(String args[]) in java

Well Everybody knows that java has grown exponentially .Its been used every where right from the mobile phones to the servers.
It has got the largest set of libraries you can find a library for almost everything.
Every one know what i've just written but very few know why always we need to write the signature of main method as above
public static void main(String []args)
we declare the method public because its been called by someone outside the class.That someone is JVM the java interpreter
  1. We declare the method as static because JVM has no means no instantiate a class but by the very defination of the static is that there is no need for the instantiation of a class if the class contains static methods.

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    1. for calling static methods there is no need to instantiate the class
    2. we can call static methods directly by using class_name.method name
    it is because of this reason that we declare the method as static since JVM has no way of instantiation of a Class.

  3. void is the return type of the main method .we know that every method has to have a return type in java and this is it void.
  4. main is the name of the method .One very important observation is that since java is strongly typed language you can't write Main instead of main .Although it will not give you a compile time error but a run time exception will be invoked when you try to run it .Why?

    1. jvm call a method with signature :public Static void main(String args[]) nothing else so it gives an exception main method not found.

  5. and finally string[]args its the parameter to the function what every command line arguments to pass while running the java class will the present in the args array.
  6. NOTE:the parameter can be either string []args or String ...a anything other than that will  compile but again run time exception would come because jvm knows only one signature of the string.
hope that helps!

Wednesday, 11 November 2009

GO Programming Language

Google's innovation is said to be at its peak during this year and to add to that after Google Wave it has now released its own programming language "GO".
The language is opensource like Wave and based on C family of languages.
It brings backs the forgotten or rather suppressed concept of  pointers but at the same time restricting its usage i.e., it can't point any where in the memory , GO has removed pointer arithmetic .
It supports controlled concurrency and parallel computing which will be easily implemented and executed on the forthcoming multi-core computers.
                       Some of the Features of Go are :
  1. simple
  2. fast
  3. safe
  4. concurrent                     

    GO is static at the same time it supports the concepts of dynamically typed languages like
    Python , javascript .

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    GO takes care of the concepts like Garbage collection very efficiently.
    GO is a Object oriented language in some way and it is also not a Object oriented programming language in some way ie., it does not support all the concept/features of object oriented language.
    All in all GO is a  hybrid kind of a programming language.
    Lets GO!

    Tuesday, 10 November 2009

    Code Name "Light Peak"

    Light Peak is not the name of any James Bond movie well its the code name of the new technology by Intel which revolves around data transmission rates.

    we all know that Copper wires are used to send the data at a speed which less than the rate at which Optical fibers send the data.
    Definately Optical fibres are very easy to send huge amount of data at a very brisk pace .
    But with quality comes the Cost.Yes Optical fibre communication is costly.However they are extensively used in the connecting the different backbones in the internet.

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    Intel with its new technology "Light-Peak" aims at sending the data at the rate of 10GBPS.
    yes Light peak is a new High speed optical cable technology.
    It has the potential to transmit the data starting upto 100GBPS.
    cool isn't it one can copy the entire blue ray disk in a matter of 30 seconds.
    From Intel :"Light Peak also has the ability to run multiple protocols simultaneously over a single cable, enabling the technology to connect devices such as peripherals, workstations, displays, disk drives, docking stations, and more."
    They'll be integrating these features in the pc motherboards and sony is also showing +ve signs for a collabration.
    We can expect these light peak components by 2010.
    with this technology by intel we can sure expect that the optical communication will no longer be used in the backbone networks it will someday be part of all the mobile devices,handheld devices etc.

    Monday, 9 November 2009

    Sixth Sense

    Pranab Mistry's Sixth Sense  is  now going to be open sourced.
    Recently at the ted Conference where he demonstrated this  software using a piece of paper he stated that  he will be making it open source.

    What is this Sexth Sense??
    Its a wearable device with a projector that is used for interaction with our environment.
    In very simple words , here to interact with the applications present inside the laptop or within the phone , he uses a projector and interacts with the environment .
    ex: within the area covered by the projector he swirls his finger in the air so as to form a @ symbol .
    The result of that operation would be that the projector sends that to a software which recognises it to invoke a email client.
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    Cool isn't it .
    Recently he demonstrated the same using a piece of paper.

    Orkut's New Orkut

    Ever Since  Facebook added a way to add the orkut friends into the Facebook the orkut community was loosing a lot of its users.
    Orkut is highly popular in countries like India and Brazil .
    Because of the above said feature the users were migrating to Facebook to avoid that Orkut started working on a completely new GUI .
    It got released a few days back and currently its only a Invite only feature.
    But anyone intrested to get a feel of new orkut they can register themselves at the orkut community.
    The New orkut looks something like this :

    • With this design One can see all the updates of the his/her friends on his homepage.
    • one can watch the videos which his/her friends have uploaded from his homepage.
    • one can comment on the status messages also
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    What it tried to acheive is to make sure that all the information is available in the single page and user need not have to navigate away from the page.
    For the staters the interface is good but we expect something more from the orkut community.

    Wednesday, 4 November 2009

    Twitter Radio

    Have you ever wondered how would it feel if you would listen to your tweets or infact anyone's tweets instead of reading them
    If your answere in no then there is something for you 
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    This website does amazing thing it reads the tweets aloud and yeh not just reads it ,
    it adds its own stuff depending upon the context of the tweet .
    its interface is pretty clean and you just need to give the twitter username in the search box and its start reading tweet by tweet from the newest to your oldest tweets .

    One more thing It has both male and female voices :P
    Here is the link

    Although there are some applications like twuner this site is also very good .

    Motorola Droid

    The Highly Hyped Droid is out and guess what it will be giving a good competetion to the Apple . The reviews team tells that it fails in achieving what it told at the time of promotions.
    Apple market will not be affected that much by the Droid but since its new release the first few months will be a hit for Droid because of good advertising .
    Not Even that Droid will be first phone which will be having Andriod 2.0 OS
    This is Video Depicting Droid

    Although it has many good features but its browser lags behind a far when compared to Apple's Safari which is the Best mobile browser currently.

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    The touch screen is Very good and it supports multi tasking .
    I'm hoping that this android powered device will give Iphone a good Competion since it too has around 10 k applications.

    Tuesday, 3 November 2009

    Give your fingers some rest When your Voice does the Work :The Voice Search Powered by Google Mobile App

    The Voice Search
    "why give your fingers some pain when your speech does the work"
    Recently google has released its new version of mobile app for the nokia phones.
    The feature in that is that it supports voice search .
    There is no need for you to type anything just see the video which demonstrates how easily you can use it .

    It is also available in the Chinese language apart from the english
    currently it is available only on the Nokia s60 phones , Apple's Iphone, Android Based devices and Blackberry .
    you can download the application by opening this url from your phone browser

    Twitter Lists

    Twitter lists ,one of the new ingredient that the twitter team has added to twitter.
    What is it?
    A very easy way to manage the people you follow.
    Why Twitter List?
    we all know that Twitter has grown enormously and tremendously only because the range of connectivity it allows, the very easy way to communicate with the people .We all loved this simplicity and that was the reason it grew up very fast .
    But as it grew  it became difficult for the people to handle their friends list.Some users have 60K followers and the people they follow are also quite big in number and so with that big number it is very difficult for a user to keep track with all of them .
    And yes there was this problem which the web community saw and they started working for a solution.
    The Solution
    The solution to the problem was to categorise the people in the followers list and that we now call as  Twitter list.
    Now you can very easily create a list (group) specific to a interest .
    eg: you are following  all the IT companies in twittier
    Just create a new list  and give it a name  say Companies and then add the companies you follow to the list.
    Now, when ever you want to see only the updates for the companies you  follow ,instead of searching them in you  home page  just click on the list and Voila  only  the tweets from your companies list will be shown.

    Isn't that amazing you have created a tidy room out of a untidy one :D

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    not even that  every list you create can be public and private
    Public in the sense that any body intrested in your follow can just click on that list and he also follows all the list items .
    private  means no body  can see it.

    Another good feature is that every list you create  has a url so directly you can access the latest tweets of  list .
    so  since the lists posses a url you can integrate those tweets specific to list into your blog as well.
    the Advantages goes on and on.
    Seismic desktop has released its new version and it completely supports Tweeter List!
    This is how you can create a Twitter List